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1883: Mysterious Night at Garrison House

1883: Mysterious Night at Garrison House

Judge Warner A. Root and William McMurchy, who sleep at the old Garrison house, were startled one night this week by hearing mysterious sounds and seeing weird looking forms in their chamber,” reported the Rocky Mountain Sun on August 11, 1883. “The Judge was the first one to see it, and, scared most to death, he awoke Mac, saying, ‘See that thing looking out of the window.’ At the sound of the voice the ‘thing’ approached the bed and leaped upon it. Warner had slid beneath the coverlet, pulling it over his partner’s head, thinking his time had come Mac was now thoroughly awake, and said ‘That’s Scotty’s goat, I’ll bet!’ and the goat was soon put out.


The Aspen Times I August 5, 2023

Work With Katherine